Quick recap

I’ve blogged about my idea for a Rugby boardgame before. In that post, I discuss the rules of the sport and how they could be mapped to a game. In particular the challenges with how to track 15 players on each side. I then evolved this idea further, focusing on a variant of the sport called 7s with just 7 players a side. After some more thoughts, I’ve started to figure out how I’d like the game to work, and I’m committing myself to building a working prototype, even if I start to feel its not right.

Starting a Diary

To focus myself on moving this idea towards something, I’m going to try running a boardgame design diary for this idea on this blog. I’ve some ideas on how to progress, so want to start getting them down on paper so to speak. This will also help motivate me, as at least I’d be producing stuff for this blog.

The Mission

Get to a ‘working’ prototype of a rugby card game. Something with a win condition, actions that move players to winning, and some meaningful player choices.

Next Steps

  • Create a living document for the rules, so I can start recording them.
  • Write a diary entry for the core mechanics
  • Create a physical proto type
  • Write about progress on the above!

Hopefully this new approach will help me create my first game!